Remember my New Year’s Eve party from last year? Daddy said we won’t be partying this year because I need to go to bed way before midnight. Personally, I blame Uncle Chris for not being around because if he’s here, Daddy would have taken me to Grandma’s place to ring in the new year, just so that Daddy and Uncle Chris can play their favorite game.
Well, since I won’t be staying up late tonight… to all my Families and Friends from around the world, Happy New Year to you!
As 2008 comes to an end, I want to take a moment to thank all my fans from around the world for your continuous support of this site/blog! You have shown me the relationship between a good looking boy and good web-site traffic. And when your handsomeness is world class, your web-site’s viewers are automatically from worldwide. As you can see from this report below, my site had 2500+ visits in 2008, from more than 20 countries. These are some Matt Damon / Justin Timberlake numbers! No jokes!
The fact that I had 2 hits to my web-site from an iPhone shows that my fans just couldn’t stop thinking about me, even when they’re driving, shopping, pooping, walking, or waiting (for whatever.)
Below is a high-level summary of all the major statistic to my blog/site in 2008.
Today, we went out to have dinner with Grandma and Grandma at 鼎泰豐 restaurant in Arcadia. If you haven’t been there before, I highly recommend you to pay a visit to this place. Based on the look on Daddy’s face, I can tell that their food is good!
Right after dinner, we went back to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Here’s a video of Grandma asking for an “Addison Kiss.”
And 'no', I wasn't trying to run away. I was just trying to play with Bagel, the dog.
Yesterday was Christmas Day, and I spent most of the day at Grandma and Grandpa’s house in Riverside. We left the house right before my first nap so that I get to take my first nap in the car. Unfortunately, according to Daddy, traffic was so bad that it took him 1.5 hours to get to Grandma’s house. By the time we got there, it was already way past the lunch hours. But that still didn’t stop them for having hot pot for lunch. And right after lunch, it’s time to open my presents!
As you can see from this video, my outfit was rather festive. Here, I was doing some warm-up exercise to prepare for all those presents that I had to open.
There are so much to show you, I’m not going to waste time to give you an opening spiel.
These 2 videos below shows how Grandma helped me open my first present. Yes, the present was almost as tall as myself!
Here is another video of me opening another gift. By then, Grandma and Grandpa had visitors to their housel. Emily is the lady that you see in this video, and her husband, Mike, live next door to Grandma and Grandpa. They are very good friends of Grandma and Grandpa. Today, they brought gifts over to celebrate Christmas with us.
Remember the first present that Grandma helped me to open? The one that was almost as tall as me? This video below shows a test-drive of my new toy.
(There were just too much noise/conversations in the background that Daddy decided to overlay these 2 videos with a few looping beats. Daddy asked if anyone can guess the song name. If you know, be the first to leave a comment after this post to let me know!)
As soon as I was done with the test-drive, it came another present. This time, this present is even taller than me, and I had my Grandpa helping me with the unwrapping. It turned out that this gift was a Basketball Hoop set! Yeah!
Although Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Chris are in Hong Kong, they didn’t forget about getting a Christmas present either! This video below shows that I was unwrapping this gift, with Daddy’s help, from Aunt Phoebe.
And this video shows me playing with my latest present from Aunt Phoebe that I just unwrapped.
He’s another video of me playing the same toy later that day. It turned out that I quite like this gift that Aunt Phoebe bought for me.
I hope you’re still able to follow this long post so far! Yeah, I know, I got lots of Christmas presents! But I can’t help it. When you have such a cute face like mine, who can resist not buying me any toys? (Actually, you don’t need to look any further than Daddy, to answer that question.)
Speaking of Daddy, enough of watching me unwrapping Christmas presents. Let’s take a look at a video of Daddy unwrapping his Christmas gifts.
By now, I’m sure you should figure out that ‘Chocolate/Food’ is always a safe bet if you ever wonder what kind of present to get for Daddy!
Last but not least, here is a video showing Grandma and Grandpa opening their Christmas presents, from me!
Oh, and I almost forgot… here are some photos of me spending my Christmas Day at Grandma’s house.
I hope this long post didn’t throw off too many viewers. It was a wonderful Christmas for me, and I hope that you all had a great Christmas celebration too!
To all my FFF (Fans, Friends, and Family) around the world, Merry Christmas!
Most of you should have received this VERY limited edition Christmas Card from Mommy and Daddy. If you haven’t, it doesn’t mean that you are any less important, nor less pretty/handsome… at least in my mind. Daddy told me that the needs to control the Supply of this limited edition Card so that the re-sell value of this card will be kept at a high price-point, despite the current economic down fall, in the coming years.
I am forecasting that it will be quite a few busy days for me because of all YOUR gifts and presents. Therefore, Blog posting will be a bit slow. Until I have some updated pictures and videos to post, may I invite you look back to just a year ago, to re-live how I spent my first Christmas.
As mentioned, Grandma and Grandpa took me to meet Santa yesterday. Here are some pictures that we took from home, after meeting Santa. It’s been a fun day at my Grandparents’ house. I spent plenty of time playing with them, as well as Great-Grandma! But as we were leaving their house last night, it was so cold that I don’t think I have ever experienced such low temperature. Fortunately, it was just a few steps from the garage to the car. Daddy already had the car warmed up for Mommy and Me!
Today, Great Grandma, Grandma, and Grandpa took Mommy, Daddy, and Myself to meet Santa! I have heard a lot of Santa recently and I’ve always wonder what does he looks like. I have been told that if I maintain my good behavior, Santa might even bring me a gift or two by the end of this month. Therefore, I was very eager to meet this Santa Dude to see what so cool about him.
So immediately after lunch, the whole family headed to the Shopping Mall to look for Santa. When we arrived there, we noticed that there is a long line, and that Daddy wasn’t too pleased about the price that one has to pay to just to sit on Santa’s lap! Fortunately, Grandma did NOT forget her handbag, and brought it along with her. Problem solved!
Here’s a video that Daddy took while Grandpa was holding me as we were waiting in line to meet Santa…
Here's the video of me getting ready to approach Santa, and later sat on his lap for my picture...
I'm a bit upset that Santa didn't ask me what I want for Christmas. Because Daddy gave me a list of things that he wants, and he told me to tell Santa that the list of items are actually what I want. Anyway, I think one of the reason why Santa didn't speak much to me is because he was stunned by my good look. As you can tell from the video, Santa really needs to go on a diet, and not to mention that there's certain room for improvement for his linguistic skills. Well, I hope he was able to picked up some Christmas Gifts hint from that short few minutes of interaction with me. I guess I'll find out in a few days. Here's a picture of me taken with Santa...
After Santa, we saw some coin-operated machines parked right next to Santa’s house, and of course, how could I miss such a good opportunity to try them for the first time. Little did Daddy know that those machines no longer cost 25 cents anymore. The market price for those cool rides is now 75 cents. This time, Grandpa was there to save the day!
I know my 1-year old birthday was a month ago, but I can’t help it if it took the Production crew this long to gather all the footages, edit them, and upload it to the news site! After all, I gave the approval to the final cut more than a week ago! I guess this is what happens when you out-source the work instead of doing the work in-house!
Anyway, here are some un-seen footages of my Big Day at Disneyland…
Why would anyone do this to a 1-year old? I don’t know. When I’m tired, I only want to go to sleep. No more standing around, sitting here or there, and certainly no more jokes. I want to go to bed and it’s that simple!
And when I’m asleep, I don’t like being waken up either. I mean, what were these people thinking? When I wake up too often from my sleep, they are not happy. Now that I’m sleeping, they want to wake me up! Can someone explain to me why?
Remember last year's Thanksgiving? I didn't know back then that that was only half the show. Because last year Thanksgiving, Mommy was still unable to move around much after giving birth to his handsome son. Therefore, we spent the entire Thanksgiving at home. Little did I know, that was the only Thanksgiving that Mommy and Daddy spent at home without going out.
This year, it's a totally different story.
We spent Thanksgiving Day and the day after traveling to my Grandparents’ home. For Thanksgiving Day, we actually went Grand-Aunt Jean’s home for Thanksgiving lunch. As you can see from the pictures below, there were a lot of people there! Uncle Joseph, my cousin Annabelle, Aunt Vivian… you name it, and they were there! Oh, and did I mention that there were plenty of food? Speaking of food, the situation is getting better when it comes to allowing me to taste what the grown-ups are eating. Mommy and Daddy are slowly allowing me to try small pieces of food that they are having. But I have to say there’s still plenty of room for improvement. Anyway, check out these pictures that Mommy and Daddy took on Thanksgiving Day.
Moving on to part 2 of my second Thanksgiving celebration. It's time to do a road trip to visit Great-Grandma, Grandma, and Grandpa in Riverside. There were a lot less people in Riverside, when compare to yesterday's Thanksgiving lunch event. In addition, Uncle Chris and Aunt Phoebe are also missing because they are now in HKG (saving the economy in Asia, I was told.) But as mentioned in a few posts earlier, Great-Grandma is in-town, and I spent plenty of time hanging out with Great-Grandma. Here are some more pictures…
Let's start with chocolate. Because I'm sure it is the word chocolate that caught everyone's attention. The chocolate that I was biting into, as seen in this video below, is a classic kids’ favorite back in Hong Kong, according to Mommy and Daddy.
So what do I think after trying out this Cadbury Chocolate Fingers? “Excellent!” You might not believe me by looking at my expression. But this ‘Finger’ certainly tastes a whole lot better than mine!
So, the reason why Mommy was bribing me with chocolate, is because earlier today, I showed Mommy that I could walk a few steps… on my own. It’s really no big deal to me, but it was certainly a big deal for Mommy. So once Daddy got home from work this evening, Mommy has been trying to get me to walk a few steps for Daddy to witness… this history making event!
Remember her? That’s my Great Grandma! That was me that she’s holding in this picture. I was merely 2 days old in this picture and that was the last time I saw my Great Grandma!
A few days ago, Mommy and Daddy took me to the airport to pick-up Great Grandma, Grandma, and Grandpa. They are all flying back from Hong Kong… to see me, of course!
Today, Mommy and Daddy took me Grandma’s house in Riverside to spend the day with them. Here are some pictures that we took today…
Yes, can you believe it? I’m at the Doctor’s office for my 1-year old check-up today!
A couple of things have changed since my previous doctor visit. Things like my height, and my weight, which you can see from the graphs plotted on the sidebar of this blog. (Please tell me that you knew those 2 graphs are there all along!) But more importantly, I have changed doctor! No, it wasn’t because my former doctor had seen enough of me. In fact, he got promoted to a leadership role within his medical group, and therefore he no longer sees good looking patients like me. Hey, what can I say? It’s his lost, not mine!
So here I am, at my new doctor’s office… the office of Dr. Annette Liu. She had no idea she was about to meet the most handsome one year old in her years of pediatric practice. But before I was introduced to Dr. Liu, I had to go through the routine procedures of weighting and measuring…
And after my weight-in, I was made to wait in the exam room for a while, and during this time, I had to find some ways to entertain Mommy, Daddy, and myself...
So what did Dr. Liu said? Not much other than confirming the fact that I’m perfect! Dr. Liu said my weight was just a tick under the norm, while my height is a tick above the norm. Well, it seems to me that she’s trying to tell Mommy and Daddy that I’m tall and fit! Just like one of those guys here?
Unfortunately, Dr. Liu must be jealous of my good looks and charm, she ordered a couple of shots (no, not liquor, but more like injections) for me. Chicken Pox, Flu, and 1 other that I don’t even remember what they are called. And yes, they hurt!
And after such a terrifying ordeal, I was left with no option but to leave this horrible (and painful) place.
Did I hear the nurse said I have to return in a month?
Just like how Recaro designed it in the beginning, this awesome car seat is supposed to seated facing forward! I don't know who made this stupid rule that grown-up babies that are less than a year old, and less than 21 pounds, have to face backward when riding in a car seat. Well, those were the days. I have to put those days behind me, and start a new life. A new beginning!
This is Uncle Steven. He is Daddy's Cousin from London, England. He is visiting Los Angeles for a few days, celebrating his honeymoon with his wife Aunt Sara, who is also from London, England. Prior to this meeting, we have already met with them once, for dinner, and Uncle Steven presented a gift to me. This gift... is what I'm wearing in this picture above. Daddy thought that since we are meeting Uncle Steven again (last night), it's the right thing to do to wear this shirt. But as Daddy was putting this shirt onto me, I could swear that I saw a tear came off the corner of his eye. Why? If you look closer to this picture, see if you can read what is written on that round badge. Yes, this is the Away Kit for the Chelsea Football Club. The Football Club that is still trying to win their first ever Champions League Trophy, while Liverpool has already won it 5 times. So why did Uncle Steven buy me this shirt? As mentioned, he's from London, and Chelsea is a Football Club located in London. Therefore, Uncle Steven it is logically a fan of Chelsea Football Club. More importantly, he knew that by buying me a Chelsea shirt, he will really get on Daddy's nerve. But you know what, Daddy told me that Liverpool just ended Chelsea's 86 games unbeaten record, by beating them 1-0 at Stamford Bridge... which is Chelsea's Stadium. Wow... they played 86 games there and they were unbeaten? And Liverpool beat them? That must hurt.
Anyway, as much as this shirt looks good on me, Daddy said this will probably be the last time I will be wearing this shirt. Although Daddy said he might reconsider if we are watching a game between Arsenal and Chelsea, or something like that. Here are a few pictures that we took that evening, at Cheesecake Factory in Pasadena.
No, I'm not getting married! Although there are many girls out there who want to be my wife, Daddy kept saying... "Don't be stupid..."
Anyway, it was Uncle Sandy's wedding that I attended. Who's Uncle Sandy? He's Mommy's Cousin. He's Mommy's Mommy's Sister's Son... if you're still following.
So what does this mean? It means that I had a long day yesterday! We started my day by attending a church ceremony. After the church, we were fortunate that Grandma and Grandpa's house was nearby and we headed there for my afternoon snack. Almost immediately after, we went straight to the reception. And there were sooooo many people at the reception! So crowded and noisy that I could barely hear the voice of Mommy and Daddy.
Here's a video of me at the church...
And here are some pictures that taken from the entire day...
Here's another video that Daddy took, just a few days before my Birthday. The music(score) that Daddy used for this video, is taken from a very famous movie. A movie that was released, obviously, way before I was born. Can you guess which one? Leave me a comment to submit your guess.
It's been a rather busy few days with Halloween, the production of my music video, and birthday Disneyland celebration, all lined up over a span of just a few days. Things are finally slowly getting back to normal. With that said, I want to catch up on a few pictures and a video that I have missed in the past few days.
Below is a few shots taken when Daddy was trying out his new camera. Don't you agree that I clearly made the camera and its photos appear better?
Here is a video of doing the usual... jumping in my bed!
You people need to stop calling me to say 'Happy Birthday', so that I can enjoy my day at Disneyland!
Yes! Disneyland! Mommy and Daddy took me to Disneyland to celebrate my 1 year old birthday. What other place to better celebrate such an important day than celebrating it at the Happiest Place on Earth? (Although Daddy kept saying that it's not the Happiest Place on Earth to him, which I have no idea why.) Officially, this is my first visit to Disneyland, even though I have already been to the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World. Yeah, looking back at those OLD videos and photos , I noticed that I didn't have much hair back then!
So, let's cut through the chase because I am very excited to tell you all about what had happened today!
We first arrived at the Parking Structure at the Disneyland Resort. From the video below, you can see that I took the opportunity and grabbed a quick nap on my way to the Disneyland. I was barely awake when Daddy pulled me off the car. For a moment, I almost knew where I was, but I soon got distracted by all those cars (more like empty spaces) around me.
So, how do you like matching outfit with Daddy's?
After a short walk and an escalator ride, I'm down by the tram stop waiting to board the tram to Disneyland. There were quite some kids there running around which made me think that if going to school means I will have time to hang out at Disneyland during the day, I don't mind starting school tomorrow!
Once we got off the tram, we walked pass Downtown Disney, passed the Security Check-point, onto the Main Entrance of Disneyland. Although there was another entrance to this place called Disney's California Adventure, but Daddy insisted on the Original Disneyland and told me that the other place is crap!
Here I am! The Happiest Place on Earth! We immediately took a few pictures by the Entrance where Mickey's face got implanted onto a slope of flowers. (More pictures available below.) After a few pictures, we underneath the Main Street Train Station, and there it was... Goofy!
I never knew Goofy was this tall! He looked small when I saw him in Mickey's Club House on YouTube. So after a few pictures and Goofy, we turned around and saw Minnie!
Is it me, or does Minnie seemed a bit taller? She's supposed to be 5 foot 2 inches, but from I saw on scene, she seems to be taller than five-two. I guess Minnie does grow taller like I do.
After we were done with Minnie, Daddy took us to the City Hall at Disneyland to pick up a Birthday Button. I bet most of you don't know that you get to receive a Birthday Button if you visit Disneyland on your birthday. Well, now you know!
By now, I'm tired and hungry! So we sat down at this bakery on Main Street and we (I) had something to eat. As usual, even though it was time for lunch, I didn't feel like eating. There were just too many kids walking around and I just wished that I could run around like they do, instead of sitting in this high chair swallowing liquid food. By the way, those ice-creams behind the counter looks very good!
After my lunch, we headed towards the Castle where we met Mary Poppins. Although I have to admit that I was hoping to see one of those cute looking Disney Princess instead.)
Moving beyond the Castle is the huge round thing with loads of horses on it. I was told that it's a Carousel. Who knows what that is; I just knew that I want to try it. But instead, Daddy took me to this ride with tons of flying elephants. And those flying elephants even have a rather dumb name called... 'Dumble.'
You would think that since Daddy is a grown-up, he would have tried all the rides at Disneyland. But no, he told me that he has never tried this terrifying-ly 'Dumble' ride. I have to bring him with me next time!
After the Dumble ride, I'm back at this Carousel thing. This time, instead of Mommy taking me onto this ride, it was Daddy's turn. This Carousel ride was pretty fun! The horse that I was riding moves up and down, up and down, and it only knows how to turn left!
By now, it's almost time for me to take my afternoon nap. We found an outdoor place at this restaurant and I just fell asleep right there inside my Stroller almost immediately!
When I woke up about an hour later, it was already getting dark! I guess I must have over-slept. I should have skipped my nap and go for a few more rides. Although I doubt that Mommy would let me skip my nap.
So I woke up from my nap at Fantasyland, and within a few footsteps, I arrived at Toontown! I was told that this is where Mickey lives, and if so, Mickey must be out of town because I didn't see him anywhere! Instead of seeing Mickey, Daddy showed me around to check out a few cool things around Toontown...
We left Toontown after some pictures and we headed back to the Main Street for Dinner. Daddy ordered this gigantic Turkey leg for dinner along with some soup in a bread-bowl. And me, of course I'm left with the same option of baby formula for dinner.
By the time we finished dinner, it was getting close to my bed time. Which means that I had to leave this Happiest Place on Earth. It has been a fun and I hope that I will get to visit this place again, soon!
And here are some pictures that we took from today.
If you have a high speed internet connection, along with a powerful computer, may I suggest you to click here instead of watching the same-but-lower-resolution video below.
Otherwise, this format below will be a good alternate solution if you still have a high speed internet, but a not-so-powerful computer.
It's time to celebrate my first Halloween! But before I start, did you know that Daddy was really worried that I was going to born on Halloween day? I supposed all of you knew that except me. I just thought that it would be fun to have a birthdate on October 31! It's almost like gauranteeing a party every birthday!
Now back to my first Halloween. So what did I dress up as? Well, I'm Fernando Torres this year! For those who don't know who he is, please click on his name to find out. And those who already knew who he is, but don't think he's scary... maybe you should ask this guy to see if he thinks Fernando Torres is scary...
Or maybe this guy...
Oh, better yet... maybe ask this guy to see if he thinks Torres is scary...
I think I have established my point, and by now, I'm sure you are convinced that I've made the perfect decision to dress up like Fernando Torres for this Halloween.
So what did I do today? Well, Mommy and Daddy took me to Santa Monica for a photo-shoot and some casual trick-or-treating. They both think that I'm too young to be trick-or-treating, and more importantly, I don't get to enjoy the candies anyway. I just think that this is a lame argument. Try putting a piece of candy in my mouth and see if I'll chew on it!
Anyway, so I was at 3rd Street Promenade and with my sharp looking outfit, people just can't stop looking at me while I was doing a photo shoot with Mommy and Daddy. Here are some pictures that I took today...
Now, here's a video of me cruising down 3rd Street. Please kindly ignore the background music as someone was trying to promote the Chinese culture by doing Street-Gymnastics!
Do you like my new footballer hairstyle?
Finally, as it got dark outside, Mommy and Daddy started bringing me to all these shops to see if they are allowing Trick-or-Treat. Below is a vidoe of me trick or treating at the Benetton Store.
It was a fun time! Unfortunately, I had to leave before my bed time. I look forward to my next Halloween so that I don't have to let Daddy to dictate where I go!
Folks, just because I had my (early) birthday party, it doesn't mean that it's too late to buy gifts for me. There's still time if you look at the count-down clock! And please don't listen to my parents' comment about I already have too many toys. I don't see Daddy complains about having too many cars! And if I still haven't convinced you yet, maybe you should see some of my recent pictures! I truly believe that once you have seen my recent cuter-than-cute-and-better-cute face, you will go crazy at the toy stores!
Yup! Nope! When I asked for a pony-tail, I was expecting one from the back so that I can look exactly like those South-American Football Player! This isn't exactly what I was expecting. I guess my hair on the back isn't long enough to do one of those pony-tail, yet, my hair in front was getting long enough to start bothering my eyes. So before Mom gets some time to give me another hair-cut, here is a 'quick-fix.'
Enjoy these pictures while they are still on-line! The day when I know how to remove pictures, they will be gone because I cannot allow girls to these pictures!
Okay People! I've said it once, and I'm going to say it again! This is the one and only official blog of Addison Chan. I cannot confirm, nor deny, if there are other black-market/underground (fan) sites, nor can I gaurantee the information obtined from these sites to be true/valid. There are web sites out there that cut and paste my cute face onto other pictures, and that's why you are seeing pictures of me partying. And if you insist on visiting those unofficial sites, then stop emailing me to find out if I really went to Paris last week, or if I really threw a birthday party with lots of girls (and asked me why didn't I invite you.) If you want accurate information, get it from me,, and from nowhere else.
Oh, one more thing! You'll only get my video footage from! This is something that you will NEVER get from those other wanna-be sites out there! At least not ahead of my official release. So, stay tuned!
I'm at least 3 weeks out from my birthday, and I'm throwing a birthday party for an early celebration. Why? Because my Grandma will not be in Los Angeles on my real birthday, November 6, and she made a special request for an early birthday party so that she will get to celebrate my first birthday, with me, here in L.A.
So, this is my 1st birthday party. It means that I was expecting loads of gifts. So did I get load of gifts? You will find out soon!
My day started early this morning. Since the party didn't begin until way into the afternoon, Mommy and Daddy pretty much spent the morning hours preparing for my party. What to prepare? How about these...
Today, I also had the opportunity to meet my cousin Annabelle for the first time.
And throughout the day, I was busy playing with everyone who came to my party! And of course, I had presents to open throughout the day too!
And there's a present for Daddy too! It was from Grandma.
And here are a few more videos of me playing around with Annabelle, and everybody else.
Here are some more pictures that we took throughout the day...
And of course, how can a birthday party be without the birthday song?
Last but not least, thanks to all those who bought me presents... here's a quick overview of what I got for my first birthday!
Thanks to everyone who came to my party! I had a great time!
Today is Mommy and Daddy's Wedding Anniversary. They have been married for 4 years now!! Can you believe it? I can't even begin to imagine how long do I have to wait before I become 4 years old! So what did we/they do to celebrate their Anniversary?
They have been busy all day today running around different places to buy food and other stuff! It seems to me that something important is coming up. But my birthday is still almost 3 weeks away. So I really don't know why are they celebrating today.
However, they did went out for a very nice dinner last night! To me, it's another milestone to enter into my list because yesterday was the first time that I saw the ocean! Specifically, the Pacific Ocean. (See, I do know some Geography!) Mommy and Daddy went to this nice restaurant in Malibu called MoonShadow. This restaurant is so nice that when I sat there, I thought I was actually sitting in the ocean! On one end of the restaurant, I was looking at the sunset, and on the other side of the restaurant, I can look as far as my eyes can see... which is where the ocean meets the sky. Here's a video of me taken just after we were seated.
Here's another video taken shortly after we were seated. You can see that I have started drinking already!
Now, there are some pictures that we took throughout the evening...
Finally, here are a few photos to show you the kind of food that I was missing out on that night!
This is just not fair! Anyway, Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
I'm sure most of you have been enjoying the high definition quality of all the embedded videos found on this site. These high quality videos are brought to you by a video hosting company called It is one of the very few video web hosting company that host video in 1080i High Definition. And since all my videos are captured in High Definition, it only make sense to use their service as opposed to the other more commonly known companies/sites out there.
Unfortunately, has recently decided to start charging for its services. According to, its free-service now only allow 1 free-upload per week, with a cap of 500mb. To be fair, the 500mb has been around all along. It's the 1 upload per week that I'm having a problem with. Once per week? What are they thinking? I can't let my audience to see a video of me for only once a week!?
So what if I want to upload more than 1 file per week? I would have to pay for its premium services. Since you all know that I do not earn an income.. yet, it's only logical that I shouldn't be spending until I start earning. This only means that I need to look for alternate solution. This is really sad because I do think that does provide a service/product that is unique in the market place. And its quality is second to none. I have been very satisfied with this company until now!
With that thought in mind, I think it's time for me to switch my video hosting service back to YouTube. After some browsing around YouTube's site, I do notice that they offer an option to view the video in "high quality." It's not true HD, but it is certainly better than the 'regular' YouTube quality that most YouTube videos are broadcasted. The only catch is, the 'high quality' switch/link can only be found on the video's page itself. It is located at the lower right corner of the video. If you click on any of my YouTube video found on this site, it will take you directly to the video-page on YouTube, where you can find this 'high quality' link.
Check it out and give it a try! While you're there don't forget to give my videos a vote by clicking on the stars!
P.S. It is my hope that will soon find out how much businesses they have lost by imposing this new business model, and re-visit their free-service package.
P.P.S. All my videos will contine to be captured in 1080i High Definition.
I don't know why but this morning, Daddy was holding his camcorder filming me right before he changed my diaper. Here is what was caught on camera. I'm just so good looking as usual, no matter from which angle.
Then later that day, Daddy was practising his number counting in front of me, and asked me to smell that baby feet picture in his counting-book. Well, I did it just to make him happy.
As mentioned here, Grandma took me to Toys-R-Us for shopping a few days ago. (See! People! This is how you can help kicking-off this month-long count-down event!) Anyway, Daddy finally took some time to assemble the presents that Grandma bought me. Here are some videos of me trying out my new toy!
To kick-off this month-long count-down event, I have added a count-down clock in the sidebar of this blog. Hopefully, this will help my fans to make birthday gift shopping plan a little bit easier. Because sometimes shipping takes a while, and I suggest you not to wait till the last minute before placing your order!
Mommy and Daddy have been complaining that my fingernails are getting long and they scratches them all the time when I try to hold on to them tight. But Mommy's fingernails are even longer, and they scratch Daddy and Myself all the time too! The only difference is... Mommy usually just say "Sorry lor!", and I don't say a thing to them when I scratched them. But at least Daddy didn't give me the kind of dirty look that he gave Mommy when he got scratched!
So this evening, Mommy decided to give me a manicure so that I fingernails will look tidy, nice, and safe-to-the-skin.
Here is a video of me having some fun with Daddy this morning. You might want to turn down the volume a bit if you are watching this video from work, as I did make a few high pitch scream (when I get too excited) in the video.)