Monday, November 17, 2008

My 1-Year Old Check-up!

Yes, can you believe it?  I’m at the Doctor’s office for my 1-year old check-up today! 

A couple of things have changed since my previous doctor visit.  Things like my height, and my weight, which you can see from the graphs plotted on the sidebar of this blog.  (Please tell me that you knew those 2 graphs are there all along!)  But more importantly, I have changed doctor!  No, it wasn’t because my former doctor had seen enough of me.  In fact, he got promoted to a leadership role within his medical group, and therefore he no longer sees good looking patients like me.  Hey, what can I say?  It’s his lost, not mine!

So here I am, at my new doctor’s office… the office of Dr. Annette Liu.  She had no idea she was about to meet the most handsome one year old in her years of pediatric practice.  But before I was introduced to Dr. Liu, I had to go through the routine procedures of weighting and measuring…

And after my weight-in, I was made to wait in the exam room for a while, and during this time, I had to find some ways to entertain Mommy, Daddy, and myself...

So what did Dr. Liu said?  Not much other than confirming the fact that I’m perfect!  Dr. Liu said my weight was just a tick under the norm, while my height is a tick above the norm.  Well, it seems to me that she’s trying to tell Mommy and Daddy that I’m tall and fit!  Just like one of those guys here?

Unfortunately, Dr. Liu must be jealous of my good looks and charm, she ordered a couple of shots (no, not liquor, but more like injections) for me.  Chicken Pox, Flu, and 1 other that I don’t even remember what they are called.  And yes, they hurt!


And after such a terrifying ordeal, I was left with no option but to leave this horrible (and painful) place.

Did I hear the nurse said I have to return in a month?

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