Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Walked and I Ate Chocolate

Let's start with chocolate.  Because I'm sure it is the word chocolate that caught everyone's attention.  The chocolate that I was biting into, as seen in this video below, is a classic kids’ favorite back in Hong Kong, according to Mommy and Daddy. 

So what do I think after trying out this Cadbury Chocolate Fingers?  “Excellent!”  You might not believe me by looking at my expression.  But this ‘Finger’ certainly tastes a whole lot better than mine!

So, the reason why Mommy was bribing me with chocolate, is because earlier today, I showed Mommy that I could walk a few steps… on my own.  It’s really no big deal to me, but it was certainly a big deal for Mommy.  So once Daddy got home from work this evening, Mommy has been trying to get me to walk a few steps for Daddy to witness… this history making event!

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