Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Few More Videos

Here are a few more videos taken from my week-long Christmas Celebration at my Grandma’s house.
You’ll see in this first video that I’m holding one of the many toys I received this Christmas.  Unfortunately, I managed to break apart this cheap toy within a few minutes of playing it.  So when this video was shot, I was looking for my Grandpa to help fix my broken toy.


In this second video, I was just laying on the floor… for no good reason.  I just thought it was cool.

And finally, here’s a video of Aunt Phoebe trying to teach me how to take a picture from her camera.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Stockings

Believe it or not, in addition to all those presents, there were also some Christmas Stockings to open.  Let’s start with Daddy’s.


And here are the ones for Mommy and Aunt Phoebe.

The shocking fact is that we didn’t have time to open our stockings until Boxing Day.

Friday, December 25, 2009

THE Christmas Present from Grandpa

If you have paid close enough attention to my previous post, you’d noticed that I didn’t really open any present from Grandpa.  It was because my Christmas present from Grandpa is so big that I believe it deserves its own post.

How big?  Let’s find out!


Yes, it’s a car!  I was so excited that I had completely forgotten that there were more presents sitting inside MY car!

And here’s is a video of me test driving my new ride!

And just to show you that I didn’t forget about my other presents, here’s a video of me trying out my bubble gun!  It’s a present from Alicia.

Once again, here are some pictures of my new ride.

My Week-Long Christmas Celebration

Merry Christmas, everyone!  Yes, that’s me!  No, I didn’t know either.  I didn’t know that they are manufacturing Christmas ornaments with my picture built in.  Yes, my lawyer will be contacting the manufacturer (in Italy, I’m told).  Not only will my lawyer send them a C&D Letter, he will also ask for my fair share of Royalty back.  Ha Ha Ha!  Merry Christmas to ME!

Back to my week-long Christmas celebration.  Just like last year, I did most of my Christmas presents unwrapping at Grandpa and Grandma’s house in Riverside.  However, there are a few things that are different this year.  First and foremost, I am now a big brother.  This is the first Christmas that I celebrated with my little sister, Alicia.  I’m certain that she must have published something on her blog complaining how I got more Christmas presents than she does, so please swing by her web-site for a look.  Second, Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Chris are in town!  Yes!  This could mean only 1 thing… more presents! 

Ask any grown-ups and they will tell you that time went by the fastest when they are partying, and if alcohol is involved, it’s even faster!  This week that I spent in Riverside is no different.  Not only did I unwrapped plenty of Christmas presents, I also had a great time with my Sister!  The pictures that you are about to see are all exclusive to this website.  I triple password protected the access to these pictures so that Alicia couldn’t get to them for her website.  But let me warn you, there are really lots of pictures!

Another reason why I want to show you the pictures first, is because I have equally as many videos.  Now that you’re done with my pictures, are you ready for some action videos? 

Let’s start with a gift from my Sister, Alicia.

Although Aunt Annie and Uncle Joseph were not there, their presents somehow also made it to Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

Here’s a present that Mommy and Daddy bought for Grandma.  Also, the 2nd half of the video shows two extremely cool present that Aunt Phoebe bought for Mommy and Daddy.

And here comes the present from Mommy and Daddy

Here comes a present from me to Grandpa.

Here’s a gift for Uncle Chris from Grandpa.

Here’s me helping Uncle Chris to open his present.

Here’s a video of Grandpa opening a present from Mom and Dad.

Right after Grandpa, it was Grandma’s turn to unwrap a gift from Alicia and Myself.

Back to Grandpa, this gift was from Alicia, and I was just being the assistant to unwrap the gift.

Continuing with Grandpa, here’s a gift from Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Chris.

Back to me, here’s a present from Aunt Phoebe, brought all the way from Hong Kong!

Here is Aunt Phoebe opening a present from Grandpa…

and from Grandma.

And here’s a present from me to Aunt Phoebe.

It’s now Mommy’s turn to unwrap some presents.

Now back to me, it’s about time for me to open some more presents.  This one is from Grandma.

With so many presents, I had completely lost count of my inventory.  This video below shows you how busy I was to make sure each toy gets a fair share of time from me. 

I think I should stop here for all the videos of me unwrapping gifts.  Stay tuned for more videos from my week-long celebration.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa Took Me to the Mall

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and took us out to Brunch today.  Immediately afterwards, against Daddy’s wishes, they took me to the mall to have some fun.  From these videos below, I hope you can understand why Grandma and Grandpa insisted on taking me to the mall!


Yup, those little coins sitting on Daddy’s dresser has a whole new meaning to me!  If you have any sitting around the house, please save and send them over!  Don’t worry about Daddy!  I will find someone else to take me to the mall, if needed.

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Few Pictures

A few pictures of me, and…

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Third Thanksgiving

To celebrate my third ever Thanksgiving, we are going to spend the evening at Uncle Kevan and Aunt Laurie’s house. 

What you may not be able to tell from these pictures below, is that I actually threw up in the car, on my way to the Kwan’s residence.  Mommy blamed it on Daddy’s driving; Alicia blamed it on my Daddy’s singing; and I don’t even know what/who to blame anymore… I just wanted a change of new clothes… Maybe that’s why!  Let’s just say I was a bit under the weather by the time I arrived at the destination.  Not only that, I had to put on a spare outfit.  What?  You don’t bring 2 set of clothes when you go to party?  Oh well, I guess you must be too young to drink then.

Anyway, I had quite some fun running around the backyard of the Kwan’s residence.  Not only that, I also got to spent plenty of time with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Joseph, and Aunt Annie.  Here are the pictures.

Monday, November 23, 2009

My 24-Month Check-up

It’s time for my 2-year-old check-up.  Yeah, I appeared to be a bit shaken in this video… only because I’ve learned that I need to get on the scale, and I’m afraid that all the chocolates that I have eaten in the past few months are going to show on the scale. 

Anyway, my check-up went very well.  Dr. Liu said that I’m good looking as usual, and the outlook of my handsomeness is very bullish. 

Here’s the video that I was talking about.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sleeping Who?

I’m told that her name is Sleeping Beauty.  I suppose it means that she would look ‘better’ if/when she’s asleep?  (Please tell me ‘yes.’)  And who on earth wears this kind of dress to sleep?

Anyway, after these pictures were taken, Daddy said she’s been trying to get a kiss from him for a while, and this is the closest that she will ever get to a kiss from ‘ABC.’ 

I say… Daddy, if she happens to be a fan of my blog, which is very likely, and read what you have just said… I will be concerned over your personal safety when you’re at work.

To find out more about where and why I’m taking these pictures, please make a visit to my Sister’s Post here.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Apple Juice

These pictures were taken right after I woke up from my afternoon nap.  Nothing beats a cup of warm apple juice!  That’s right, I like my apple juice warm, not chilled.  So remember that!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Star Are High, Sky Star Are G, P, S, V, X, Z, C, and Me.

Want to know what this means?  Just watch this video.

Seriously Test Driving My New Ride!

What a Birthday Party!  I’m sure you were overwhelmed just by watching all the videos that I posted, right?

So today, after some serious rest, I was all ready to go for another test drive on my new ride.  After all, last night’s test drive was a bit dark, and I really couldn’t take a good look at my tricycle.  With that said, Mommy and Daddy took me out today on this bright and sunny day.  Before I show you the video, I want to take you back to… exactly 14 months ago, and see if you remember this!

Yes!  That was 14 months ago!  And now… this!

What do you think?  Better looking?  Mature?  Sophisticated?  Well, I’ll let you come up with the vocabulary yourself because my look is not something that can be described in one word.  You might need a book for that!

Meanwhile, here’s a video of Mommy showing me how to ride my tricycle.  Yes, driving lesson.  Yes, Mom was teaching was teaching how to drive.

Friday, November 6, 2009

I Turned 2 Today!

Yes, it’s my big day today!  I turned 2 today and I’m very excited about it because I knew my fans will be sending me plenty of Birthday presents! 

Grandma arrived early in the afternoon with her car loaded with presents. Here’s a video of me singing with Daddy, followed by a quick ID of who bought me which present.

Obviously, my little sister Alicia wasn’t too thrill with all the gifts sitting in front of her, especially when none of it belongs to her. 

Soon afterwards, it was time for  me to open my presents.  The first item that I picked to open was a gift from Grandpa.

Wow!  Yes!  My Grandpa bought me a DVD player so that I can watch sing-a-long without Daddy fighting for the same TV or Laptop!

Next up, I opened a gift from Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Chris. 

It’s a tricycle!  Wow!  I don’t even know how to ride a tricycle and Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Chris have already bought me my own!  This is fantastic!  But it looks like there are some assembly required before I can try out my new ride.  So the Grandmas and Mommy took me out for a walk, while Daddy can spend the next few minutes (more like hours) assembling my tricycle.

Believe it or not, by the time when Daddy was done assembling the tricycle, it was already dark outside.  But it didn’t stop me from taking my new tricycle out for a test drive.

Here’s a video of Daddy trying to teach me to ride my new tricycle.

As you can tell from those 2 videos above, it was getting really dark outside during my test-drive.  It was time for us to head back home to open more presents!

And after opening my presents, I had some fun playing my new toys with Grandma.


Moments later, it was time for food!  Plenty of food!  I hope you’re not hungry right now because after seeing all the food in this video, you will be become hungrier!

But wait… Aunt Annie and Uncle Joseph just showed up, and I had to put my meal on-hold, and open up more presents!

Finally, everyone is done with their food, and it’s time for the moment that everyone has been waiting for… my Birthday cake!  Again, although I couldn’t wait, I still had to sit down with Mommy, Daddy, and Alicia to take a few pictures first.

Before you watch this video below, I want to share a few interesting facts with you.

  1. Mommy made that Birthday Cake from scratch!  It tastes as good as it looks!
  2. This is my first time blowing off birthday candles.  Although it is my 2nd birthday, you can imagine that I didn’t have a clue on how to blow candles a year ago, today.  Click here for a review on how I celebrated my Birthday last year.

I had so much fun blowing candles I decided to try it again with the lights off.  Unfortunately, as you can tell, Daddy was holding me, and the camcorder was left to be held by someone else who doesn’t quite know how to use it.  The end result is what you can see in this video below.  But I’m sure you get the idea, right?

Afterwards, it was time to cut the cake.  Yup, Daddy held my hand to slice the cake, and it was a real knife that I was holding!  It’s so cool to be a 2-year old!


Here’s a video of Mommy cutting up the berries into bite-size pieces for me.  And yes, I had that entire slice of Birthday Cake!  Wouldn’t you?

My birthday party pretty much concluded after the birthday cake cutting ceremony.  After all, it was getting late… so late that I’m sure it’d past Uncle Joseph’s bed time. 

I want thank everyone who showed up today to my party, and those who didn’t, yet still sent in your gifts!  I also want to thank those who WILL be sending me gifts after reading this post.  And those who are still thinking what to get for me, I hope these videos will help eliminate a few choices that you have on your list.

Last but not least, here are some pictures that were taken from today.  Enjoy!

Monday, November 2, 2009

My First Gymboree Class

Today, Mommy and Daddy took me to this place called Gymboree to take this Arts class.  Or, Daddy likes to call it the Advance Birth Control Class, which Daddy urges all who are thinking about having kids to visit this place to:

  1. Find out how much they are charging for each class, and
  2. What is it like to be interacting with a ROOM FULL of Moms, and
  3. Get an understanding/idea on to what extend can kids misbehave in public.  After all, there’s no guarantee that your child will turn out to be the good one/kind who likes to sit-down, listen, and obey to everything that he/she was told.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It Was Not Only My First Trick-or-Treat…

Remember I was modeling my Halloween Costume just earlier this month?  Well, the time has come and tonight was the night when I have to put my plan into action!  To my first ever Trick-or-Treat, here I come!

Here’s the first door that we knocked on…

Nope, my first trick-or-treat-ee wasn’t home, but they did leave behind a bucket of candies for me to pick-up.

But the next few homes were not as hospitable.  They were either hiding inside their home and pretended the door bell had never rang (which is my Dad’s tactics in the past), or they simple switched off all their lights.

From that point on, things could only get better.  Below is a compilation of my next few trick-or-treat videos.

And when I stopped by homes with doggies, they would bark at me so loud that those doggies almost made feel like I’m not good looking.  Here’s an video to give you an idea.

However, I did came across some very nice people whom invited us to spend some time at their place, and grab some food.  As you can hear from this video below, Daddy wasn’t too interested.  I would be interested if their daughter was not so ‘loud.’

I also want to thank my little sister for being so patience with me while I was having so much fun trick-or-treating.  I want to give credit for behaving herself, for the most part, throughout the evening.  This video below is taken when we took a short break to show Mommy how much candies I have collected.

Oh, and did I mention that some of the trick-or-treat-ers that I encountered… looked really scary!!?

We concluded the evening by stopping by the mailboxes to pick some mails.  Since the mailboxes area is well lighted, this video below shows a much better view of my costume, and Alicia’s too!

It had been a wonderful evening out doing trick-or-treating!  But did you know that it was also Daddy’s first time doing trick-or-treat too!?  I bet you didn’t know that!  So Dad, you don’t have to thank me for such a wonderful and fun evening.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Cap

I didn’t like baseball-style cap when I was younger.  But when it comes to a cap that symbolizes a St. George cross on it, it’s a different story!  Because come June of 2010, you’ll see the St. George cross everywhere in South Africa. 

Monday, October 26, 2009

Just a Few Pictures

These pictures were taken some time in the afternoon today.  You see that high-chair that was exclusive to my butt?  I’m considering loaning it to my little sister.  In return, I’ll just get a different kind of high-chair.  I just couldn’t decided what to get yet. 

Bathing Time!

Folks, it’s time for another bathing update!  If you want to see how far I have progressed in my bathing, check out this link here

Sunday, October 25, 2009

At the Playground!

In case you don’t know, there’s a playground at the Community where we live.  I’ve been wanting to play there for quite some time, but somehow whenever Mommy and Daddy took me out for a walk, they would always walked right by the playground without stopping.

Things got worse after my little sister was born because I simply haven’t had time to go outside at all, unless it is when Grandma and/or Grandpa are visiting. 

Today is one of the few rare moments where Mommy had the opportunity to take me out to the playground.  More unusual was that Mommy didn’t have to take Alicia with us, and it meant that Mommy can grab the camcorder and capture a few videos of me. 

There are a few things that you can tell, from watching these videos below.

1)  I like the Slide,
2)  I am not afraid of height, and
3)  I like the moon.

Folks, I think you’re already watching a future astronaut in training!


Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

This is how Mommy and Daddy celebrated their wedding anniversary last year.

Guess where did they go to celebrate their 5th Anniversary this year?  No where!  They stayed home.  Why?  I don’t want to be pointing finger at anyone, but if you look at last year’s videos, there is a change in our party size this year, when compared to the last.  If you prefer, you may assume that restaurants around Los Angeles don’t have tables that sit 4.  Again, I would much rather stay away from this discussion because I, too, am not happy about missing another opportunity to eat out.  But wait… It looks like tonight’s dinner is just as good as eating out!  Wow, that’s nice Mom!



Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lunch with Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit us today, and we went out to lunch.  They have been visiting us a lot more often lately because they are helping out with taking care of my ‘High-Maintenance-Sister.’  And usually when they are here, it means that I will get more opportunity to go outside, and this includes going out for lunch.  In this video below, we were having lunch at a Chinese Restaurant and Grandpa was quizzing me about the pronunciation of various words. 

Friday, October 9, 2009

Modeling – My First Halloween Costume

I have just learnt that there is a very special event happening at the end of this month.  An event that requires me to dress up ‘funny’, walk around the streets, and beg for candies.  Sounds like fun, right?  I don’t know because I’m not sold on it yet.  However, when I tried on my ‘hand-picked’ Halloween Costume today, I started to think that this Halloween thing could be fun! We’ll find out very soon.  But before then, tell me what you think of my costume in these pictures below.

Just a Few Pictures

Here are just a few pictures taken at home today.  Enjoy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Day of Fun with Grandma and Grandpa

Guess what, Grandma and Grandpa took me out today, without Alicia!  It’s so nice to go out without having to hear my baby sister’s crying.  Trust me, you have no idea what it is like to listen to her non-stop crying!

I was so eager to leave the house that I almost forgotten to say goodbye to Mommy and Daddy.  First stop?  The Toy Store!  From these pictures below, you can see that I was really busy test driving a few cars.  Because you know why?  My birthday is coming up soon, and Grandma and Grandpa want to get a feel on what kind of toys that I like. 



Right after the Toy Store, we went to have lunch at a Chinese Restaurant.  We then went home after lunch for my afternoon nap.  Grandpa assured me that he will still be around after my afternoon nap, and he didn’t lie!  Grandma and Grandpa took me out again to visit this nearby pumpkin farm-like place, where I can catch a few rides.  Below are a few videos that Grandma took (with her camera.)  You can see that I had quite some fun today!  Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!

Monday, September 28, 2009

I Dropped Something Down the Toilet

In the past few days, Daddy has been asking me to sit on the toilet for a few minutes before lifting me up into the bath tub for bath.  Although it’s no different today, I did feel something in my tummy, and suddenly, something fell from my tummy, into the toilet. 

Why is it so exciting?  I don’t know.  But Daddy went to grab the camcorder right away, and Mommy walked over with a smile on his face.  Sometimes my parents are really this confusing!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

When Alicia is Sleeping…

For the longest time, I thought my Sister, Alicia, doesn’t sleep.  She seems to be crying ALL THE TIME!  And when she’s not crying, it’s either she’s eating, sleeping, or being held by Mommy or Daddy.  She always needs someone’s attention.  So unlike me!

The video below was filmed during one of those rare moments of Alicia being quiet.  It really doesn’t happen that often!  So enjoy this ‘strawberry time’ with me!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Short Trip to… Where?

In case you haven’t heard, Daddy’s Summer vacation has ended last week.  He returned to work this week, and life without him in the morning is especially tough!  Because, you know, my voice is not being heard in the house when the boys to girls ratio is 1 to 2.  I missed seeing Daddy’s face when I open my eyes every morning. 

When Mommy told me this morning that we are leaving, and she grabbed that small suitcase, I thought I was never going to see Daddy again!  But my only question was… “Do we have to bring Alicia?”

It turned out that Mommy is taking us to meet Daddy at work.  I knew something was up when Mommy stayed up late last night packing.  I just thought she was just packing up to send Alicia away. 

So Mommy put Alicia and Myself in the car, and off we went.  Where are we going?  The Disneyland Resort!

Noticed that I said ‘Resort’, and not just Disneyland?  This is because we got to stay at the brand new expansion of the Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel for a night!  How/Why?  Well, what we didn’t know was that prior to Daddy taking his Summer vacation, he was busy working on the opening of the Disney’s Vacation Club at the Grand Californian Hotel.  The first Vacation Club from Disney on the West Coast!  Along with this Vacation Club, it also came with an additional 200 rooms expansion to the Grand Californian Hotel.  (You can read more about it here and here.)  Now that the hotels are ready to be opened in a week, Daddy received an invitation for a complimentary preview stay! 

Here’s a video of the room that we stayed in.  This is an upgraded park-view room, overlooking Disney’s California Adventure.  Daddy said we are the very first people who stayed in this room.  Nobody has ever stayed in this room before us!  However, I have to say I wasn’t that impressed by this room at all.  Especially when I compared this room against THEhotel and Bellagio that I had previously stayed.  The size of the room, the view, the bathroom, TV, etc. are all, in my opinion, sub-par to the aforementioned hotels.  Judge it for yourself!

Here’s a day-time view of the room.  Listen to the noise coming from the Mulholland Madness ride.

Here’s a night-time view of the room.  The machinery noise is still there!  Thankfully, the sound insulation is very well-done for our room.  All I could hear is Alicia’s crying at night.

But enough on the rooms.  Let’s hit the park!

First up, King Arthur Carousel.  Unfortunately, the King wasn’t there when I arrived.  All I saw were his horses, just like last time.

Next up, the Dumbo the Flying Elephant ride!  And if you watch the entire movie clip, you’ll get a glimpse of what Alicia is doing while I’m having so much fun!

Hey, it’s not my fault that Alicia didn’t pass the height requirement!  More importantly, it wasn’t me who dragged her along either!

Believe it or not, the Dumbo ride pretty much concluded Day 1 of Disneyland.  Because right after this Dumbo video was taken, Daddy realized that my pants is all wet because Mommy and Daddy have totally forgotten to change my diaper.  And right after the diaper change, it was time to feed Alicia.  Although we did swing by Toontown, we didn’t take any pictures, nor videos.  The good news is, we still have tomorrow!

Guess who did I get to meet first thing the following day?

Yup, that’s Daddy’s Boss.  You’ll notice that I wasn’t particularly interested in him because if he’s the reason why Daddy had to end his Summer Vacation so soon, I just didn’t want to be near him!

After we met with the rat-head, we walked down Main Street, USA, and I saw horses.  Two of them!

My final ride of the day/weekend is the Autopia ride.  I was so looking forward to this ride because this is the ride that I would really get to drive a car!

Before I conclude this long post, here are some pictures taken mostly from Day 1.  In fact all of them are from Day 1.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Grandma Loves Who?

g again adsfdfSure, Grandma loves you too, right? This what I was doing while Grandma was holding Alicia. Noticed that I was just busy eating my strawberries? If all it takes to make you happy, my little sister, is for Grandma to hold you during my little ‘strawberry time,’ then go enjoy your time with Grandma! Guess what Grandma will be doing once I’m done eating my strawberries?

fgfgfgf fgf fgf hgsgf

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I Talk IF/When I Want To

Yes, lately I have been busy learning a new language.  This language is so unique that for every numeric digit, there are 2 pronunciations for it.  For example, the number ‘2’ is pronounced as ‘too’, ‘yee’, or (my preference) just stick 3-to-5 fingers up.  Mommy and Daddy would accept either one of these expressions.  And they get very excited and happy when they see me doing just that.

Here’s a video of Mommy asking me to pronounce some words.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another Day at the Beach!

It appeared that Mommy and Daddy really enjoyed the beach last time.  So I have agreed to go to the beach again with them, just to make them happy.  Why did I do that?  Because I’m known for putting a smile of people’s face.  I guess I’m born with it!

After some discussions, Mommy and Daddy decided to return to the same beach that we went to last week.  That’s absolutely fine with me, because whatever makes them happy, will make me happy too!

We didn’t pack as much food as we did last week, because we want to save time.  Instead, we bought some fast food on our way to the beach, so that once we arrived there, they can start having some fun.

First thing first… picture time!  Let’s start with Mommy…


And here are all the pictures that I took with Daddy.  Do you notice that Daddy looked different in these pictures?


Here comes some solo shots of me, entertaining my parents.  Oh, and that girl you see in the pictures, she’s just one of the many that walked up to me that day.  No big deal!


Here are some pictures of me playing ball with Daddy.  Daddy said he had a few girls walked up to me trying to strike a conversation too.  But I didn’t see any in these pictures.  Do you?


Towards the end of the day, we had some left over food.  Daddy and I were throwing some of the food to the hungry seagulls in this video below.


By now, I was super tired! After Daddy walked with me to the trash bin, all I wanted was to head back to my car. As you can see from this video below, Daddy had to convinced me that 'we don't leave family members behind.' I think Daddy told me that he left his car key with Mommy and we had to walk back to get the keys, or something, to fooled me.  I really didn’t care.  I just wanted a nap!


I fell asleep faster than the BMW’s automatic door lock!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dining Out with 公公 and 婆婆

Yes!  Thanks to Alicia, the-topic-of-the-month girl, I got to eat-out tonight.  Uncle Joseph and Aunt Annie are taking all of us out for dinner with 公公 and 婆婆 (Grandparents.)  I’ve been trapped inside the house for past few weeks, all because of Alicia.  Mommy and Daddy couldn’t go anywhere fun, with me, because “we have to stay home to look after Alicia.”  What is up with that?

So here we are at the Chinese Restaurant for dinner.  Of course everyone swamped my Sister, wanting to hold her and kiss her.  Did I panic?  Of course not.  I stayed calm in my seat…



... and before you know it, the tide had turned. Remember, I talk, I walk, I jump, and I smile. She doesn't! When you know all these tricks, there is only one thing that is certain...



So what do you get by melting your Grandparents’ heart?  “Freedom!”  I was no longer bound by the highchair at that point.  Meanwhile, I’m sure you all saw where my little sister was in the previous video.  And did Daddy say a word?  Nope.



If you want to get an idea on how fun this evening is, from my Sister's point of view, check out her post here.  Boring!

Before I go, here are a few pictures taken with Aunt Annie.  I bet she prefers a boy over a girl too!


Friday, September 4, 2009

Another Day at the Pool

Something about this first video below…

  • It does NOT have sound
  • It is NOT in HD
  • It has no sound and no HD because Daddy was testing his camcorder’s slow motion feature
  • And if you pause the video at the ‘0:08’ mark, I looked like I was flying in the air.  Pretty cool!
  • At the same ‘0:08’ mark, if you look closer, you can also see the tan line on my thigh. 

Yup, Daddy and I spent another day at the pool.  After spending some exciting time at the beach, I was really hoping for some waves.  The pool just seemed too calm for my liking.  But not to worried!  Daddy managed to keep my swimming as exciting as possible.  You can also see in the video footage below that I’m beginning to understand the concept of ‘swimming.’  I predict that I will be able to swim across this pool, on my own, without any floating device(s), very soon!

My First Visit to the Beach

It’s been a very hot few days already, and I’ve been at the pool with Daddy almost every day since I last posted my first swim of the year.

Today, Mommy and Daddy decided that it’s time for me to try out a new place for swimming.  The beach!  In case you don’t know, I have never been to a beach in my life!  The closest thing to a beach that I visited was when I was at that ‘fake’ beach at The Hotel / Mandalay Bay swimming pool in Las Vegas during my last visit back in April of this year.  Otherwise, I really don’t know what real sand feels like. 

So after a short drive, we arrived at Seal Beach.  Once we have found a place to park our car, Mommy and Daddy carried lots of stuff, along with Alicia and myself, and headed down to the beach.  Since Daddy had Alicia in his arms, I was left with no choice but to hold Mommy’s hand, while walking towards the ocean.  Let me tell you, walking on sand is not that easy! 

After we have found a place to settle in, Mommy and Daddy started their beachside luncheon with some food that Mommy prepared.  Just when I was telling Daddy not to eat too full because he needs to go swimming with me later, Daddy told me that he’s not going to swim!!  What?  Why take me to the beach if you’re not going to swim?  And Daddy looked pretty serious too because he was still wearing that same pair of pants, with no intention of changing something into more ‘water friendly.’

So here it is!  I’m heading towards the water with Daddy!

Did I look like I was afraid of the ocean, let alone water?  Of course I’m not afraid of the water.  Instead, I was extremely eager to get into the water.  You can probably tell by watching this video below.

And when Daddy and I ran out of stuff to do while at the beach, he and I would go chase the birds around the beach.


If we get real tired again, we would head back to the water to relax for a bit.


Time flies when you’re doing something fun.  Here are some pictures that were taken from today.


Last but not least, it’s been a fun day at the beach!  Mommy and Daddy promised me that if I’m to become a good boy, they will bring me back to the beach very soon.  Let’s see when will that be!