Sunday, November 1, 2009

It Was Not Only My First Trick-or-Treat…

Remember I was modeling my Halloween Costume just earlier this month?  Well, the time has come and tonight was the night when I have to put my plan into action!  To my first ever Trick-or-Treat, here I come!

Here’s the first door that we knocked on…

Nope, my first trick-or-treat-ee wasn’t home, but they did leave behind a bucket of candies for me to pick-up.

But the next few homes were not as hospitable.  They were either hiding inside their home and pretended the door bell had never rang (which is my Dad’s tactics in the past), or they simple switched off all their lights.

From that point on, things could only get better.  Below is a compilation of my next few trick-or-treat videos.

And when I stopped by homes with doggies, they would bark at me so loud that those doggies almost made feel like I’m not good looking.  Here’s an video to give you an idea.

However, I did came across some very nice people whom invited us to spend some time at their place, and grab some food.  As you can hear from this video below, Daddy wasn’t too interested.  I would be interested if their daughter was not so ‘loud.’

I also want to thank my little sister for being so patience with me while I was having so much fun trick-or-treating.  I want to give credit for behaving herself, for the most part, throughout the evening.  This video below is taken when we took a short break to show Mommy how much candies I have collected.

Oh, and did I mention that some of the trick-or-treat-ers that I encountered… looked really scary!!?

We concluded the evening by stopping by the mailboxes to pick some mails.  Since the mailboxes area is well lighted, this video below shows a much better view of my costume, and Alicia’s too!

It had been a wonderful evening out doing trick-or-treating!  But did you know that it was also Daddy’s first time doing trick-or-treat too!?  I bet you didn’t know that!  So Dad, you don’t have to thank me for such a wonderful and fun evening.

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