Friday, September 4, 2009

Another Day at the Pool

Something about this first video below…

  • It does NOT have sound
  • It is NOT in HD
  • It has no sound and no HD because Daddy was testing his camcorder’s slow motion feature
  • And if you pause the video at the ‘0:08’ mark, I looked like I was flying in the air.  Pretty cool!
  • At the same ‘0:08’ mark, if you look closer, you can also see the tan line on my thigh. 

Yup, Daddy and I spent another day at the pool.  After spending some exciting time at the beach, I was really hoping for some waves.  The pool just seemed too calm for my liking.  But not to worried!  Daddy managed to keep my swimming as exciting as possible.  You can also see in the video footage below that I’m beginning to understand the concept of ‘swimming.’  I predict that I will be able to swim across this pool, on my own, without any floating device(s), very soon!

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