Monday, February 18, 2008

Caught on Camera! 曳曳 and Pooping

Okay, Folks! Turn up the volume real loud because I'm sure you don't want to miss this!

From the video clip below, see if you can catch me saying 'Yai Yai 曳曳' and my butt making pooping sound! Oh, and if you want to watch this video in Full HD (High Definition), simply click on the 'Caught on Camera...' link located right underneath the video. I'm trying out this video hosting service called Vimeo, which allows me to post my video in HD. After all, Daddy spent all this money on that HD camcorder, shouldn't my videos be presented in HD too!?

Caught on Camera! "Yai Yai" and Pooping! from Addison Chan on Vimeo.

Here are some pictures that Daddy took today.

Now, I continue to overheard some conversation between Mommy and Dadddy about some journey next week, and how much diapers they need to bring. I really think that they are taking me somewhere, and it's not Riverside! I said this before, and I want to say it again... I am not interested in going anywhere further than Riverside!

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