Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Very Cool Gift!

I turned 16th month old yesterday!  Just when I thought no one would remember my 16th month old birthday, I was surprised by a parcel today!

When I learned that it was a postal-woman ringing the doorbell, I thought she was delivering just another gadget that Daddy ordered online.  But it turned out that the parcel was addressed to “Addison Chan!”  Another look at the stamps told me that the parcel was from Hong Kong.  Since I had to pretend that it was no big deal, I asked Daddy to open it for me, while I slowly walked away back to my toys. 

Wow!  A pair of Adidas!  It was Aunt Phoebe who bought me this pair of Adidas!  I knew someone would remember that it was my 16th month old birthday!  And I knew that I can count on Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Chris!  For the rest of you… shame on you!

Thank you very much!  Aunt Phoebe!

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