Sunday, February 15, 2009

What Shall I Tell Him/Her?

Okay, people!  When I was in my Mommy’s tummy, my Guest List looks like this

It has been almost a month since I announced that I will be having a younger brother, or sister, come July of this year.  And this is what his/her Guest List looks like. 

Yes!  Sad, isn’t it?  No one cared to drop my future brother/sister a note to congratulate him/her for having such a good looking older brother!  And when I wrote ‘no one’, it literally means that the Guest List has zero entry!  (At time of typing this post.)

I don’t know about you, but I certainly do NOT look forward to explaining this phenomenon to my younger brother/sister.  After all, what do you expect me to tell him/her?  Do you want me to tell him/her that because I’m better looking and that’s why more people signed my Guest List?  Or do you want me to tell him/her that people just like me better than him/her? 

So instead of having myself to deal with this ‘explanation’ in a few years’ time, I’m just going to point him/her to YOU!  And you know who you are!  Oh, and let me warn you ahead of time… it might be easier if it turns out that I’m having a younger brother.  If it happens to be a younger sister… I’m sure you all know how girls are like when they are upset!  Just don’t come running to me to find out what kind of girly dolls she likes!


Unknown said...

My dear Addison,
Already signed the Guest List.
Thanks for reminding me and being such a good brother.
With lot of love

Anonymous said...

Dear Addison,
We are very excited about the news that you are going to have a brother/sister.
We just want to wait until the right time to give you a surprise (gift/ visit???)
We follow the news closely.

Auntie and uncle from down under