It's Daddy's Birthday today! I know because he didn't go to work today, so it has to be a special day! Daddy's birthday celebration wasn't limited to just skipping work; he also celebrated his birthday by sleeping... are you ready?... 10 straight hours! What a celebration!
As for me, I woke up at my usual hours of 6-ish. I was getting all excited to wait for Daddy to wake up because I want him to see the birthday present that I bought him! Mommy and I bought him a Wii and a Wii Fit! Mommy is responsible for the Wii idea, and I was the only show suggested Wii Fit! I'm sure you can tell from some of my swimming videos that Daddy's shape has been some way off of his body from 10 years ago. With this Wii Fit, I hope I can bring his body a few years back so that he will have more energy to play with me.
We didn't take too many pictures today because all Daddy wanted to do was to stay home, rest, and to play his new toys. The phone was ringing a bit more than usual, and they were all calling to wish Daddy a Happy Birthday! Meanwhile, Mommy made some very yummy dishes for Daddy throughout the day as you can see from the pictures below.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Daddy's First Birthday with Me!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
New Tricks!
The following stunt is performed by a trained individual over a long period of time, and under close supervision of professional trainers. Don't try this at home, or alone!
Stand Up! from Addison Chan on Vimeo.
(I should NOT have shown them my new tricks because Daddy is now going to lower my bed. So to all my buddies out there... don't try this at home... in front your parents. Just do this secretly while they are not watching.)
Friday, July 25, 2008
I'm Sleeping! Don't Bother Me!
So what!? Yes, this is how I take my afternoon nap! Do I have to hire a bodyguard to stop all these photos-while-sleeping shots? And once again, I DO NOT have a sleeping problem!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I Think Some of My Photos are Available in the Black Market?
Recently, I've been hearing a lot of comments about people seeing my pictures being published before I officially publish them on this site... the official web site of Addison Chan. For example, my Grandma once asked me how come so-and-so have already seen my pictures from this-and-that.
Well, I just want to say that pictures of me found on web-site(s) other than could be pirated, photoshop-ped, or simply taken with an imposter of Addison Chan. Think about it... Rolex watches, Louis Vuitton handbags, & etc., are status-symbols, famous, attractive, and well-known. Everybody wants to get their hands onto one of their products. But the cost of owning those products are high. That's when the knock-offs from the black market comes in and start offering counterfeited items.
The same can be applied to me. The cost of owning me... high! I'm attractive... no doubt! Famous... of course! A Status-symbol... my Daddy seems to think so. And everybody wants to hold and hug me! And when they can't, they have to turn to my pictures! So when the supply of pictures is low, and the demand is high... that's when the black market of Addison's pictures begin to surface!
So Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, be careful with where you surf your internet. If you see my pictures appearing on Social Networking sites like Facebook, Armbook, Legbook, & etc., those pictures may not be authentic. Remember, you want to go to the source... 'w' 'w' 'w' dot AdditonBChan dot com!
Here are some pictures!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
My Buddy, Cayden, is 1 Month Old Today!
Remember this? I was young and innocent. I didn't have the good look and charm that I have right now. Although I still stole the spotlight wherever I went, I was not as handsome as I'm now. This is what I want to tell my buddy, Cayden. Not that he's not good looking, I just want to tell him that he will be even more good looking in just a few months. I'm certain that by Christmas time, which ever Christmas Ball we choose to attend, all the girls will be surrounding us! Don't worry buddy! I got you covered! Your Dad will be busy getting embarassed by My Dad on Winning Eleven; Your Mom will be busy playing Mahjong with My Mom. You and I don't have to come home until late!
But that's Christmas! Which is still a few months away. Today, I attended your "Full-Month" buffet luncheon. Boy! Now you know how it feels when you are being taken to a buffet restaurant when you are not allowed to taste any of the food! I had my fair share of experiences here and here, and probably some more scattered around this blog in the past 8 months! Hang in there! You still have a long way to go! I didn't get to sit here in my own chair overnight! For so many months, I was confined to my stroller!
Well, that's enough of me... back to you. Congratulations to you! You've made it through your first 32 days. Remember, if you need anything, or have any questions on how to deal with your parents, just give me a ring, 24/7.
Attending Cayden's Full Month Luncheon from Addison Chan on Vimeo.
Attending Cayden's Full Month Luncheon - Part 2 from Addison Chan on Vimeo.
After Cayden's early afternoon party, Mommy and Daddy took me to my Grandparents' house in Arcadia. It turned out that Uncle Joseph was also there! I haven't seen Uncle Joseph in a while... actually the same for Grandma and Grandpa too! Here are some pictures...
Posted by Addison at 4:55 PM
Uncle Joseph,
Saturday, July 19, 2008
My First Meeting with Grand-Aunt Linda
My Grandpa's Sister, Grand-Aunt Linda, came to visit ME all the way from China. Today, Mommy and Daddy took me to Grandma's house to meet her, and her friends, for the first time. Along with Grand-Aunt Linda, Professor Suen, and Professor Wong who are also visiting L.A... probably just to see me too! I call them Professors because they are actually professors at an University somewhere in China.
Our first meeting went well because they seemed to like me a lot. They kept telling me that they have been reading this site when they were in China, and they just couldn't wait to see me in person.
They will be spending about a month here in the U.S., and will stop by San Francisco (I've never been there), New York (not there either), Las Vegas (nope), Washington D.C. (nada), and maybe even San Diego (nope.)
Here are some pictures taken earlier today with them.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Now Daddy Can Make Sharp Turns!
It's Sunday and Daddy STILL went to work this morning! However, Daddy did ask Mommy to bring me out to his office to meet his co-workers and to have lunch with us. So right after my first nap, Mommy started to dress me up and we are ready to go find out where does Daddy work!
But when we arrived, we parked our car outside of this building, and Daddy immediately hop into the car! "Go! Before anyone come chasing me down with another question!" Gee... I thought we are meeting Daddy's co-workers!?
So we went to lunch at this place that serves really nice fish burritos. How do I know? Because Daddy said so. After lunch, Mommy and Daddy brought me to this store where all they sell are kids stuff. No, it's not Babies R' Us. It's a local store. I wasn't too sure what they were looking at, but about an hour later, Mommy and Daddy bought me my first "new" car seat! The current one that I'm using was from Annabelle. Althought it had never been used, I'm actually growing out of it. Here are a few pictures of me sitting in my new car seat.
And if you wonder why I said "Daddy can make sharp turns" in the Title of this post, it's because the manufacturer of my new car seat also designs/manufactures the actual seats for the follow cars, just to name a few...
Aston Martin DB9
Aston Martin V12 Vanquish
Aston Martin V8 Vantage
Audi RS6
Audi R8
Audi RS4
Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano
Lamborghini Gallardo
Mercedes CLK 63 Black
Porsche 911 GT3
Porsche Carrera GT
I just wonder if any of the seat in these cars is rear-facing like mine!
After our shopping, Daddy returned to work, with me in his arms! As I walked into this big building, the entire operations halted, and all attention turned to me! This place is huge with many many computers and phones. And people answering phones too! Daddy told me that this is where they take reservations for his company's hotels. Now I know a bit more about what Daddy does. But I still don't understand why he has been spending so much time here though.
Anyway, we stayed for a bit, and Mommy and I went home. Daddy stayed at work until around 9pm. By the time he got home, I was asleep already.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I Attended My First Birthday Party!
It's my cousin Nathan, who is celebrating his 5th birthday. His Mom (Aunt Lori) and Dad (Uncle Kevan) threw him a backyard party and of course, I'm one of the very few A-list attendees.
As mentioned earlier, even though today is a Saturday, Daddy still had to work. He came home at around noon, to pick us up and off we went! When we got there, most people had already arrived. And let me tell you, there were girls everywhere! I'm talking about girls wearing bikinis. But of course, I stayed cool and pretended that it was no big deal! I knew those girls really wanted to walk up to me and asked me to go to the water slide with them. I'm also certain that it was Daddy's mean look on his face that scared them away. I really need to start finding a way to go to parties without Mommy and Daddy following me.
Anyway, it was a fun, and hot, afternoon! I had a great time... watching. I wished I could try out the water slide. Maybe next time... when I throw my own birthday party!
My First Birthday Party Invitation from Addison Chan on Vimeo.
Daddy and I on a Swing at Nathan's Birthday Party from Addison Chan on Vimeo.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Who is Daddy's Employer?
Can someone tell me what company does my Daddy work for, that is so NOT family-oriented? I have hardly seen him since the beggining of this week. He's been working very long hours, and last night, he didn't even come home! He worked till 1am this morning, took a quick nap in his car, and went back to work at 5am! I know he likes cars... but not to point where he would sleep in it! (Although he migh sleep in it had it been a M Car or a Ferrari.)
I'm glad that he's back this evening so that I got to spend a little time with him before I fell asleep. Although tomorrow is Saturday, Daddy told me that he still has to go back to work!
Here are some pictures that Mommy took earlier today. Meanwhile, if you happen to see my Daddy at work, please tell him to go home.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Where's Daddy?
Daddy went to work last night at 10pm, and I still haven't seen him all day today. I'm about to go to sleep now. I hope he comes home soon because I missed him a lot!
Friday, July 4, 2008
My First Fourth of July!
Wanna know how I celebrated my first Fourth of July? I spent the day swimming at my Grandparents' house in Riverside WITH A SORE THROAT!! Why do I have a sore throat? No, it wasn't because I'm sick! (Otherwise, I wouldn't be swimming in the pool.) I just rather not talk about it.
As you can see from the pictures below, I wasn't too happy with the recent changes to my pre-sleep routine. I tried expressing my concerns to Grandma and Grandpa, but they just didn't get it. And when I tried to make a sound to show them how my voice is all messed up, they didn't even tell Mommy and Daddy to stop letting me cry! Although I've been in my Grandparents' arms throughout the day.
I didn't get to see much fireworks. Although I get to hear it throughout the night in my neighborhood. Watching fireworks is soooo for kids! If you don't remember... I prefer firworks that are more... 'professionally presented'.
Below are some pictures and a video showing how I spent my first July 4th. Until next time, I hope my sore throat will heal soon.
Swimming - on My First July 4th from Addison Chan on Vimeo.
Do I Have a Sleeping Problem?
I don't understand! After Mommy read this book, my pre-sleep routine last night has changed drastically... for the worse! Where is everybody? I am not used to falling asleep in the dark, by myself, with no one around. And if I cry and scream (out of fear, and for help, of course), their response time is slow! Slow like... every 15 to 20 minutes!!? No, I don't have a watch, but I just know! But you know what, I didn't think about giving up screaming and crying. Therefore, I didn't stop. This morning when I woke up, I lost my voice! And Mommy and Daddy were like... "Oh, poor baby!" You know what!? If you 2 really care about me so much, why did you left me all alone, by myself, in my room, and let me cried for an hour last night?
Apparently, Chloe's Mom recommended this stupid book (see below) to my parents, and after reading this stupid book (written by Dr. Richard Ferber), Mommy and Daddy decided to start this new pre-sleeping routine! Last time I checked, when Dr. Ferber was at my age, he hasn't received his M.D. degree yet, let alone writing! So how in the world would Dr. Ferber knows what/how I was feeling when I screamed at night. I think Dr. Ferber just doesn't like babies/kids. Or maybe he, himself, has some kind of sleeping problem that he couldn't deal with, and he decided to write a book and take it out onto millions of cute looking babies, like me!
This is not fair! Come on, look at these pictures! Do I look like I have a sleeping problem?