Thursday, June 19, 2008

Finger Food... tests!

Mommy took me to the grocery store to get me some snacks. I was thinking chocolate. But Mommy was thinking something more suitable for my age...

"Gerber Fruit Puffs for Graduates - Light, airy snacks made with real fruit, in a shape and size right for little fingers."
Little fingers?  Hello?  I'm a big boy now!  Who said I have little fingers!?

Anyway, here's the video.  And I soon learned that giving me some finger-food was more than just feeding me.  Mommy and Daddy were actually testing me!  I'm being tested for...
  1. Hand-eye coordinations
  2. Simple Chewing
  3. Swallowing
  4. and, Left/Right Handed (No, not the kind of test that the late Leslie sang about.)
So without further ado, here's the my test result:

Addison Trying Finger Food from Addison Chan on Vimeo.

So now the you have seen the video, I would like to hear your verdict. Do you think I'm left-handed, or right-handed? Please cast your vote here:

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