Sunday, May 4, 2008

First Meeting with Aunt Gloria and Uncle Leon

Those flu-like symptoms are almost completely gone. It only means that it's time to party! Today, we went to Downtown Disney to meet with Daddy's long-time friend, Aunt Gloria. According to Daddy, Aunt Gloria knew Daddy back when they were merely a few years old. Well, since they both claimed that they are only in their late twenties, I guess they only knew each other for just 20 years or so... if not more.

Aunt Gloria, Uncle Leon, and their kids, Dylan and Lucas, are currently living in San Francisco. Both Dylan and Lucas are a bit older than I am. Therefore, I didn't get much chance to play with them. Besides, they all know how to talk, and I (pretended that I) don't. So there weren't much interaction between us during this my meeting with them. Hopefully, Daddy will take me to San Francisco for a visit someday, and maybe I will get another chance to really play with Dylan and Lucas.

Until next time, it was nice to meet you all!

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