This first video shows Daddy holding me in his arms, trying to get me to take my afternoon nap. Once I was close to passing out, he put me down on my tilted-down high chair. I like sleeping in my high-chair because I get sit up-right and it helps me to create happy dreams during sleep.
The second video here shows a lengthy chat between Mommy and I right before bedtime. Pay attention to the shirt that I was wearing. It's a little mis-leading because I was told that my middle initial is a 'B', as opposed to something else that starts with a 'T'.
This set of pictures below can be divided into 3 parts.
Part 1: That hairclip! When Mommy put that onto me, I thought she was putting a bluetooth headset on me. Just like the one that Daddy has. I guess not. She kept saying that my hair is a bit long, and it is bugging my eyes. Instead of cutting my hair short, she decided to put on this hairclip on me.
Part 2: My Stallion! If you saw my video a few days ago, you should know how well I ride this little horse. Nothing has changed. I'm still having just as much fun.
Part 3: ABCs! Mommy and Daddy bought me this cushioning mat for the floor so that I can spend more time jumping and sitting on the floor. I just happened to be lying underneath my own initials, and here are some pictures to share.
Grandma has been staying with us since yesterday because she needs to attend a seminar, which is located very close to our home. Therefore, she decided to stay at our place for 2 nights, so that she can some quality time with his now formally precious one's son... the precious me!
As expected, Grandma came home as soon as the seminar is over, and spent all her time playing with me. The video below shows that I was playing with Grandma's hand, and later her watch caught my attention. At first Grandma took off her watch and let me played with it. But when I tried to bit the watch to find out if it's really 24k Gold, she took it away from me. And you can see what follows...
(Don't know why, but it appears the first 5 seconds of the video clip is freezed. As soon as it passes the 5 seconds mark, it will resume.)
Finally, after a wonderful meal (according to Grandma) prepared by Mommy, we sat around the table for some more quality time with Grandma and Mommy. More importantly, I finally experienced what quality ice-cream really taste like!
My 6-Month Check-up was supposed to be yesterday, but when Daddy (who took a day-off from work) took me to the Doctor's Office, we learned that my Doctor didn't show up to work! So we had to re-schedule the appointment to today.
So today, we went to the doctor as soon as Daddy got off work. We didn't have to wait long before we were called into the office. Just like the last few times when I was here, Daddy was told to take off my clothes to weight-in once we arrived at the exam room. It looks like all the exercise that I have done has finally paid off! My weight actually dropped by 0.2 pounds from a month ago.
So shortly after my weight-in, my Doctor came in and started checking every part of my body. It turned out that both my height and weight are now slightly below average. However, the size of my head, according to the Doctor, is a bit above average. I wanted to, but didn't, tell the Doctor that the space inside my skull is no air! But since I overheard from Mommy and Daddy that I will having a few injection shots, I decided to be wise and stayed quiet. Overall, the Doctor said I'm in good health. But before he let us go, there were a few injections that I need to take. Crap!
As you can tell from the video above, we left the Doctor's office shortly after the shots. My next visit is scheduled when I turn 9 months old. See ya!
Grandma bought me this horse ride toy a few weeks back when I was a bit young to play it. I test rode it at Grandma's place back then, and I didn't like it that much. It must be the overwhelming horsepower that came it. A few weeks later, I was at Grandma's house, and gave this ride another try. I learned to like it a lot more, and therefore, Daddy brought it back home for me.
How do you like it? Daddy called it a Polo Shirt. I like to call it a shirt with buttons and a collar that makes it a bit difficult to put on... especially if Daddy is the one who tries to put it on me.
Anyway, I really like this shirt! Thanks, Grandma!
Hmmm... I just noticed that this is my 102nd post on this blog. Looking at my web-site and counting backwards, my 100th post was actually my 6 months old birthday post! But as I'm getting bigger and smarter, it means I'm only getting busier with less time to post. Therefore, I doubt that I will hit 200 post prior to my 1 year old birthday. We shall see!
It has been a while since I last posted a video. So I thought it is about time for me to give you a video update on my physical ability. As you can see from this video below, I have recently mastered the skills of standing up with minimal help. All I need from Mommy or Daddy are just 1 finger from each hand. Speaking of hand, Daddy has been trying to tell me that my hands have its own name. I don't particularly like the name he picked, but he insisted. I mean, who would name something 'Left' and 'Right?' Besides, I still don't know which is which that he has been referring to.
It's Mother's Day! My Mommy's first Mother's Day! It's also my Grandmas' first Mother's Day with me! And of course, this is also my first Mother's Day with Mommy and everybody!
Our celebration started on Saturday when we went to Riverside to meet Grandma and Grandpa. We brought flowers and cakes to Grandma and had dinner with her at her place. I would show you some pictures had Daddy remembered to copy the pictures from Grandpa's camera. We forgot to bring our camera! Well, as soon as I get hold of the pictures, I'll post them on this site.
Then on Sunday, we went out to have Dim Sum with my other Grandma and Grandpa. As usual, I didn't get to eat anything. However, I'm beginning to be given the opportunity to get a taste of the kind of food that they are eating. To me, that's a big step forward!
Yes, my sad face was caused by the fact that Daddy told me I won't be getting a birthday cake until my (10 x 0.1) years old birthday! I don't understand what he's talking about! A birthday is a birthday! I'm too young for solving math equation anyway! It wasn't even like Daddy was good at math when he was at my age, or ever! So, why wasn't I allowed to have a birthday cake?
Fortunately, I still have Mommy who understands me!
Below are some more pictures taken the day after my 6 months birthday.
Those flu-like symptoms are almost completely gone. It only means that it's time to party! Today, we went to Downtown Disney to meet with Daddy's long-time friend, Aunt Gloria. According to Daddy, Aunt Gloria knew Daddy back when they were merely a few years old. Well, since they both claimed that they are only in their late twenties, I guess they only knew each other for just 20 years or so... if not more.
Aunt Gloria, Uncle Leon, and their kids, Dylan and Lucas, are currently living in San Francisco. Both Dylan and Lucas are a bit older than I am. Therefore, I didn't get much chance to play with them. Besides, they all know how to talk, and I (pretended that I) don't. So there weren't much interaction between us during this my meeting with them. Hopefully, Daddy will take me to San Francisco for a visit someday, and maybe I will get another chance to really play with Dylan and Lucas.