It's that simple! If you give me more food, I will you more entertainment! Today, I had my first solid food. Although technically, it wasn't really solid like Daddy's chocolate bar, but it's still better than just milk! I guess that's all I have to settle for, for now, until I get some teeth coming out of my gums!
So what did I eat today? I wish I could tell you that it was a slice of Godiva Cheesecake. Because I know I don't need teeth for that. But it wasn't. What I had was a full serving of Gerber Carrots. It may not look that appetizing to you, but it did for me. I finished that whole thing in no time. Although portion of it was spread all over my face, hands, and clothes, Mommy and Daddy are still very proud of me! By the way, did I mention that I was still hungry after this little container was emptied? Yeah, I did get some milk afterwards. Hey, I need something to drink, along with my meal, okay!?
Later in the evening, when Daddy came home, I just couldn't wait to tell Daddy what I ate today. However, I was just too busy doing sit-ups with Mommy. They also learned that not only I have learned how to do sit-ups, I also managed a follow-up routine called 'stand-up' too! Check out the video here if you don't believe me!
Sit-up and Stand-up from Addison Chan on Vimeo.
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