Saturday, December 1, 2007

Eye check and Vitamins Intake

I don't know why Daddy kept moving from left to right, to left, to right, while holding his camera in this video below. I just know that I am very photogenic. That's why I always try to look at the camera, as soon as I am aware that someone is filming me. But Daddy, in this video clip, just thought that my eyes just started to recognize things, and my brain has just started to instruct my eyes to follow the object within my eyesight. Check out how stupid he looks!

Later in the day, I was crying for just no good reason... as always. And somehow Daddy managed to sneaked a drop of vitamin in my mouth, while I was screaming on top of my lungs. Well, what else could I had done other than to just shut-up and taste the vitamin!? Somehow both Mommy and Daddy thought that I look cute and funny. Well, I do!

Finally, here are some pictures that Mommy and Daddy took in the past few days. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Vitamins. Ugh. I was a bad parent. That stuff smelled so bad and I think it smelled bad coming out the other end that I just couldn't feed it to Lucas. They never told me to feed Dylan vitamins though, probably cuz he was on formula. Good luck!